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Nothing ventured, nothing gained


The start is probably my favourite part of any project but starting any new project is a challenge. It’s an exciting time where all of the endless possibilities lay ahead of you and you can go in any direction. The problem with that is that all of those circulating ideas can be distracting, even conflicting. So which one do you start with? How do you narrow it down? Or how do you organise all these ideas to present them to a donor?


You might be a conservation professional or brand new wildlife conservation projects, but starting a new project can always feel slightly messy and confusing. A good project needs to fit into a strategy in order to make it achievable, manageable and fundable. By setting up your project well at the outset, you can save yourself a lot of time and money. 


So whether you need in-depth help with refining your idea, or just a little push in the right direction, there are lots of affordable and simple tools and resources to help you on the way.


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How do I apply for funds for my project?

If you want to write a killer proposal, here's a good place to start.

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How to make a project plan

Creating your first project plan? Here's the basics.


What is theory of change?

All the donors want one, all projects need one, but can you describe yours?  

Vision Wild will contact you just four times a year to share with you top conservation project management tips, carefully selected funding calls and the latest professional development opportunities.

Thank you

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